
The role of injectors in LPG installations

Injectors are important components of gas supply systems. Their operation has a direct impact on the operation of the drive unit. Currently, there are gas supply installations which are classified as sequential LPG injection systems in the gas phase. With the appearance of these systems, specialized electromagnetic LPG injectors have been created, which are similar in design to gasoline injectors.

What is the function of injectors in LPG installations?

Despite the construction differences, the principle of operation of gasoline and gas injectors is similar. An electromagnet is a factor that contributes to the displacement of the element that opens the gas flow to the inlet channels. The discrepancy is due to the fact that gas has much larger volume in relation to a certain dose of gasoline. Therefore, the characteristic feature of LPG injectors is the presence of larger cross-sections channels through which the fuel flows. This relates to large masses of structures, especially in the case of piston injectors. Therefore, gas injectors have larger external dimensions compared to gasoline ones.

What elements affect the durability of gas injectors?

Gas injectors are the most accurate components of currently used gas supply systems. The tasks of the assembly workshop include the proper selection of injectors that allows the drive unit to work well. However, the car owner has also an impact on the condition of the injectors. The right maintenance of the gas supply system is crucial here, in particular when the gas phase filters are replaced on time. This action has a direct impact on the durability and lifetime of gas injectors.